so after being routed through atlanta, which is under water presently, we get on the plane and on to the tarmac when the storm hits. thunder, lightning and massloads of rain. the captain (i like to think his name is crunch; cap'n crunch) gets on the intercom and starts out with 'folks i don't know if i've ever seen it rain this hard'
comforting words as we are seemingly ready to take off into typhoon linda
turns out we are waiting until the murderous lighting and zero visibility passes and we get a few minutes to find the hole in the clouds and make a run for it (run ?)
90 minutes later, we reach miami unscathed except my gag reflex sitting next to a red haired tree hugger with her hemp clothing, shower sometime in the past week and fugly clothes that would make the deseret industries look like nordstrom (but i'm not judging) i'm sure she's a lovely soul and her mother and father are very proud.
i get my car, get to my hotel and head for the beach cause the sun just barely went down and i'm not getting any younger, just better looking.
take a few 'wish you were here' photos to blackberry back home and go see what all this south beach hoopla is all about. i found out the next day.
the conference was precious but ended early. like a good soldier i come back to my room and return emails and do my 'homework' assignment re: collegiate spamming, strategic planning, something like that, then figure i'll hit the beach to read a book and get some color.
i walk up to the beach and like the first girl i see . . . . . are those what i think they are flappin in the breeze? why yes, i think they are.
must be a fluke, i said . . . probably some european tourist who didn't know or didn't care about public decency laws in these here parts. but then i see another (more) and another, and several more.
quick thinking took over and i ripped off my shirt also . . . to fit in, you know? it works . . no one suspects a thing.
it seemed odd that there were no signs, no evidence that this beach (miles in each direction) was top optional
i sat in the sun, read my book and enjoyed the scenery . . . . (of the ocean, duh)
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